When using Lovable, you may occasionally encounter technical issues. Below are common problems and recommended actions to troubleshoot and resolve them.

Persistent “Fix Error” Loops

Problem: Repeated failures where errors persist despite multiple attempts to fix them.


  • Approach with creativity: Adjust your input and prompts to help the AI understand the changes you’re trying to make.

  • Use Chat Mode: Engage the AI in chat mode for step-by-step guidance and tailored suggestions to break the loop.

Setting Environment Variables

Problem: Issues may arise when configuring environment variables, particularly when working with Supabase Edge Functions and Secrets.


  • Double-check the environment variable syntax and names.

  • Refer to the Supabase / Edge Functions / Secrets documentation for detailed instructions.

HTTP Fetch Failures

Problem: Errors during HTTP fetch requests can disrupt authentication or degrade app performance.

Solution: Copy and paste the exact error message into the chat to get context-specific advice from the AI.

Freezing or Loading Failures

Problem: Settings or editor pages freeze, fail to load, or do not reflect the latest updates.

Solution: Report this as a bug by creating a ticket via our feedback portal.

Rollback Feature Fails

Problem: Unable to revert to a previous state of the project.

Solution: Submit a bug report via our feedback portal.

Cloud Deployment Issues

Problem: Apps fail to redeploy or get stuck in a spinning loop during deployment.

Solution: File a bug report via our feedback portal.

Problem: The AI is not resolving, hallucinating, or breaking things. Solution:

  • Revert to a stable version of your application.

  • For better results in future prompts:

    • Be specific and clear. Refer to our Prompting Handbook for guidance.

    • Use the select tool to precisely edit content.

    • Provide context by adding relevant documentation or a knowledge base.

Refactor Broke Everything in My Code

Problem: Code refactor caused major issues.


  • Revert to a stable version of your application.

  • Make smaller, incremental changes and refine your prompts for clarity.

  • Check your codebase history (e.g., GitHub), copy the error message, and use debugging tools like ChatGPT.

AI Is Not Responding

Problem: The AI is unresponsive to your changes.

Solution: Disconnect and reconnect Supabase, as this is likely related to connection issues.

AI Not Making Changes

Problem: The AI is not implementing expected edits.


  • Ensure your prompts are specific (use the select tool if needed).

  • If the issue persists, manually edit the code in GitHub or VSCode.

Preview Shows a Blank Screen

Problem: Preview displays a white or blank screen.

Solution: Revert to a stable version and check the console logs for relevant error messages.

Taking Your Projects Offline

You may encounter problems when attempting to unpublish or deactivate your projects.

  • Not Supported: This feature is not currently available.

  • Action: Upvote this feature on our Feature Request Board.

Being Kicked Out of a Project

Problem: Unexpected logout or access loss.

Solution: Contact our support engineers directly for assistance.

Loading Errors

Problem: Loading issues or downtime.

Solution: Contact our support engineers, as this is likely a temporary issue.

Error: Stream Interrupted

Problem: Stream interrupted due to invalid Supabase credentials.

Solution: Check and update your Supabase credentials in the settings.

Edits in Lovable Not Getting Removed

Problem: Unable to remove edits in Lovable.


  • Free users: This is a limitation of the free plan.

  • Paid customers: Update your project settings to resolve this.

Edge Function Errors

Problem: Edge function errors occur.

Solution: Supabase logs integration is coming soon. Meanwhile, check the edge function logs and paste the error into Lovable’s AI code editor for debugging.

Stripe Errors

Problem: Issues with payment processing.

Solution: Try a different bank or card. If the issue persists, contact support.

Unable to Push to GitHub

Problem: Errors when pushing to GitHub.


  • This may result from repository issues or a deleted GitHub connection.

  • Restore your GitHub repository by following these instructions.

”Sandbox Mode” for Testing

Some of you wish to test their apps in a safe, non-production environment.

  • Not Supported: This feature is not currently available.

  • Action: Upvote this feature on our Feature Request Board.

Supabase Connection Lost

Problem: Lost connection to Supabase.

Solution: Disconnect and reconnect Supabase to restore the connection.

Project Not Found

Problem: Unable to find your project.

Solution: Disconnect and reconnect Supabase to resolve the issue.

Unable to Switch to Main Branch

Problem: Errors when switching to the main branch.

Solution: Disconnect and reconnect Supabase to resolve the issue.

Remix Does Not Work Without Supabase

Problem: Remixing fails for non-Supabase-connected projects.

Solution: This is a bug. Report it to our support team for resolution.

Remix Does Not Work with Supabase

Problem: Remixing is blocked when connected to Supabase.

Solution: Remixing is disabled for projects connected to Supabase due to sensitive credentials.

Challenges with Large Projects

Problem: Projects with thousands of edits or unnecessary files may encounter recurring loops or difficulties implementing advanced functions.

Solution: These issues are common across all AI-powered editors. We’re actively optimizing performance for large projects.

Need More Help?

If you encounter any other issues not covered here, please don’t hesitate to reach out on our feedback portal or explore our prompting guide further.